Methods of using pictures include schedules to organize activities, strips to tell a story, and individual cards exchanged with another person as a form of visual talking. Print these FREE ready-to-use communication tools. Various ways of protecting and displaying your picture card schedules and forms. These are shorter strips that help to remind someone how to perform a particular sequence. Helps children who have trouble following verbal directions and remembering steps in an activity. There are several ways to set up your schedules. Picture cards can be used to build schedules to organize and structure daily activities. Overview: The Emotions Worksheet will help students accurately label their own emotions and the emotions of others by: Defining and describing synonym(s) of target word. View2Do is an online program that lets teachers and parents create customized teaching aids for visual learners. Visual schedules are often vital to the individual’s performance in school, vocational, self-care, and leisure activities. Center: Different emotional responses (adapted from Desmet (2008)) Right: An Emotions Color Wheel (adapted from do2learn (2011)). Visual schedules can increase independence and also reduce anxiety for many individuals with special needs. Many individuals with special needs benefit from visual schedules in written and / or picture form because they have trouble processing verbally delivered information, initiating activities, staying focused, completing every step within a task, and shifting focus between one activity and the next.

Nearly everyone utilizes some form of visual schedule to stay organized.